What are APWT Printable Postcards?

Card File Downloads that you can print yourself, or use to create your own card on one of the printing platforms - From APWT Stationery
Card file downloads that you print yourself, or upload to your favorite printing platform.

Deciding what to name a product can be challenging.  When a product can be used in different ways, it's hard to land on one name that fully explains all the things the product does or can be. Calling an item the wrong thing could mean risking customers who won't see the items full potential because the name doesn't describe what they think they need. Our Printable Postcards are one of those items.
What are APWT Printable Postcards?  APWT Printable Postcards are card design files sized to create your own 5" x 7" or 5.5" x 4.25" inch card. See, the explanation is simple, the name not great, but the possibilities...postcards, flat cards, folding cards, glossy paper, matte paper.  Once you download the file, the choice is yours.

Here are few suggestions for how to use our Printable Postcard files:

1) Print at home (or office) - If you have access to  a color printer you can print the files yourself. You can play with paper weight and texture to make the card your own. All of our postcard files come with 'postcard back' text options. You can use one of the files provided or create your own.

2) Upload to your favorite printing platform - You've either used or heard of printing sites like Vistaprint, Shutterfly, or Zazzle. You can upload our files to your preferred printing platform and use our design to create a custom card. These sites also allow you to choose different card types and paper types to make the card your own.

3) Take to your local print shop - Take or send the file to a local print shop to create your card with their assistance and materials

4) Attach the file to an e-mail - You want to keep it simple (and send a nice message), add the file to an e-mail as an attachment, or embed it as part of the e-mail itself.

5) Bonus - Upload to Evite.com - All of our 5" x 7" inch invitations come with 580 x 425px file that you can upload to to create a custom Evite.com invitation.

I'm sure our more creative readers can come up with more, but this is a good place to start. To check out our full range of 'Printable Postcards' you can visit our shop here.

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